Dexter! The newest member of our family is a long little Dachshund puppy we named after our favorite fictional serial killer. Really it's just a cute name that suits the little guy, and he does get pretty vicious with his toy dragon, but most of the time he's a little lover.... probably because he sleeps a lot.

August has brought us lots of new things, mostly information that both eases our minds and causes new amounts of wedding stress. Jesse and I took a trip to Montana to sort out the details of the big even next summer, and after lots of research, paid deposits and talks with family members, we have decided NOT to elope. Although I think more people should. That being said, THIS is where we're getting married!

The barn is massive, and we were lucky enough to check it out on a day when someone else was preparing to be married there. I'm hoping to use what interior decorating skills I don't have to do a slightly nicer job of decorating, but this huge old barn has lots of potential.
So, with Save The Dates already sent out, and multiple venues already booked, it looks like there's no turning back now! My grandma said she'd see me next summer "if the wedding is still on" she's such a realist, it's charming.
Also, if anyone is looking for a photographer, we're using Green Door Photography. Nicole Wickens is an amazing photographer who I'm completely in love with and I'd kinda like to be her best friend. She has a very sweet dog named Roxy who will greet you at the door (green, of course) and her time and dedication to her photos is very apparent. We are sooooo pleased to be working with her!
I took a look at Green Door Photography... looks promising! Yay!