My friends and family are playing a very large part in our wedding, and I just want to take a moment to give a big shout out to them, because they are awesome, and without them my marriage to Jesse would be so unoriginal!

My dearest and best friend in the entire universe, Alaina Mickes, is the creative genius behind Paper, Flour, Water. She makes totally unique jewelry out of paper mache, as well as other fun things such as pinatas, neat paper cut out art works, and all-around great jewelry such as the earrings and necklaces she is making for my bridesmaids and I.

My friend Geneva Sutter, who has been a long time friend of Jesse's, is the sassy and creative owner of Bird Crap Featherwear. She makes amazing feather earrings and fascinators exactly like this one! It's totally me and I'm so excited to wear it in my hair on my wedding day! She also made a matching bouttineer for Jesse, and then surprised us with bouttineers for Jesse's groomsmen and both of our fathers!

Our dear friend Nicholaus Palmer (posing here with a birthday cake I made him as a tribute to one of his favorite authors Hunter S. Thompson), an all around good guy, has agreed to get officiated in the state of Montana and marry us! Neither Jesse or I are in any way religious, so the thought of hiring a priest was just out of the question. We really didn't even have to think about it before deciding there was no one better to do the deed than Nicholaus, he is extremely creative and quite the word-smith, so we're giving him free range to say whatever he wants during the ceremony...just as long as Jesse and I end up married when he's done. I guess that's what the marriage license is for anyway.

My mom, who has quickly become an amazing guitar player, will be playing the music during our ceremony along with a few friends, perhaps a fiddle and a mandolin? I can't be certain, but I can be certain that they will sound amazing. She has decided to play Bob Dylan's "You Ain't Goin' Nowhere" when I walk down the aisle, because it is fun and there is one line that says "Tomorrow's the day my bride's gonna come", which she has already changed to "Today's the day Jesse's bride's gonna come". I'll probably cry. I love that she is making the music personal.
My dad, who is one of the craziest people I have ever known, also proves to me every day how amazing he is. Not only will he walk me down the aisle, during which I know we'll both be quite teary, he has already started to make the cut out wood barn animals to be used as table numbers....table animals. He is an extremely skilled craftsman and I know these special little animals are going to be the perfect final touch to each table.
And lastly, while they don't have specific assignments, my brother Levi, his beautiful fiance Shannon, Jesse's sister Sarah and their parents Joe and Susan, all will help to make our day extra special. Everyone has been super supportive through this entire, extremely long, stressful, expensive process, and we couldn't be happier.
And of course, I cannot forget, my other two best friends in the whole world Nicole and Meghan, and Jesse's other two groomsmen and Sprains' members Dan and Dustin, are just the icing on the cake, and we couldn't imagine getting married without them.
I'm so excited!! 2 months to go!